Saturday, July 23, 2011

5.2.11-5.8.11: Muffins for Mom, Its a GIRL!, Haidyn birthday

This was a busy and exciting week for us! On Wednesday we found out that Shawn & Alisa are having a GIRL!! VERY excited to be a 1st time aunt, the kids are just so excited too! Bray keeps asking when Miss Camdyn is coming out and if she's still cooking! ;-) I made lasanga with fixings and we went over for dinner to find out what they were having. Alissa & Shawn had put some pink socks and cute pink bath towel on their table letting us know what the gender would be! Camdyn Claire will be her name, how cute is that?!? On Thursday, Bray's preschool class had "Muffins for Mom" even in his classroom! I got to enjoy muffins, lemonade and they all made their mamas a homemade trivet, absolutely the best gift you can get from your child, it will be cherished forever!! On Saturday, the kids and I went to our little neigbhor girl, Haidyn's, 1st birthday party and on Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day, more on that next week! Unfortunetly, i was still missing my camera at this time and some pics were taken on my other phone which i can't retrieve right now, so not many pictures this week, just memories! All in all, a busy and fun week!