Saturday, July 23, 2011

7.18.11-7.24.11: a quiet house, Shawn Birthday, a CHAMPion of a pedicure!

My brother-in-law, Shawn turned 32 on Wednesday. We brought the best part of the birthday over to their house to celebrate that night, DQ Reese's PB cup Blizzard cake, yum yum, it was a hit! This weekend Chad, Shawn and the kids are in Wray. My in-law's are adding on an addition to their house and the boys have offered their help once again. I thought maybe the kids would want to tag along with them this weekend since they don't get to see them much and I could maybe catch a break. I'm so far behind on this blog, pictures in general, house stuff, etc. Chad agreed that he would take them down. The idea sounded fabulous until they headed out Friday and then I think I second guessed my brilliant idea. Man, it is terribly quiet in this house this weekend, almost scary quiet. This is the 1st time that they have all been away and I'm home alone. I will really think twice about that next time around! It has been really nice to have a break, every mom needs one every now and then. I've got stuff accomplished that would take me months to get done if they were all here, its constant inturruption around here! I was feeling a little down on Friday night when they left, so Alissa called and wanted me to meet up with her to get a pedicure. How can you say no to that? ;-) It gets better. She gets to the salon and texts me that she is parked next to Champ Bailey and to hurry. So I hurry as fast as I possibly can. I get there and there's an open spot on the right side of his Bentley. I didn't think she meant he would be in the nail salon, but i guessed wrong! We got into our chairs and I ended up being 3 seats away from him! Just simply crazy! Chad can now stop making fun of men who get pedicures! I guess that's what the players do when there's spare time with a lockout and you have money to burn..;-) He was with his wife/girlfriend, not really sure her title. They had their adorable little boy in there, he was so, so good. At first i didn't realize he was with them it was so quiet, until Alissa pointed out the stroller. Very impressed being it was probably between 15-18 months old. He has quite the ugly beard going on, hoping its a bet/dare with this lockout and maybe when the lockout is over, he'll return to his handsome self! So that was a fun adventure to the nail salon, it is a neat nail salon! After pedicures, we went to Panera for some dinner and then off to the movie, "Friends with Benefits", it was super cute! Definetly good therapy to end the week and this sad mama/wife. I'm sure the kids are having fun. Chad has kept me updated throughout the day via text saying it was 101 degrees most of the day, with about 80% humidity, so it was miserable working outside. I'm sure he'll be very ready to return to his nice air conditioned office job come Monday!