Thursday, May 27, 2010

05.27.10 nice signs

I must admit, I parked in this parking spot tonight not intending to. I took the kids to go grab something to eat and must of been distracted (nothing new!) When I went to go back into the car and leaving, I realized I was in a pregnant/nursing womans parking spot. I would of felt so terrible if I had saw a very pregnant lady walking. I grew to LOVE these when I was pregnant and took full advantage of them! The only 3 places that I know they exist at are at Babies R' Us, the Parker Hospital and Bosom Buddies (where I was parked at). They really should exist everywhere! Now with 2 kids, I really wish they would make parent parking signs/spots too!


Erin said...

Yes, I had the same thought at Babies R Us the other day. Where are the "Parking Reserved for frazzled mother of a crying, hungry 2 year old" signs? I had this thought just a moment after the Binky fell on the pavement while I was trying to wrestle the giant box of diapers into the back of the car without dropping the said 2 year old on his head.