Monday, February 22, 2010

02.18.10 These are the days of our lives!

For the longest time, I've been wanting to share what a typical day looks like in the Twiss household. I think someday I'll look back and think, wow, that were some crazy, fun days! It's lengthy, but very accurate!

540 am: Chad wakes up to get ready for work, Bray is usually made his way to our bed
6:30am: Chad leaves for work, my first alarm goes off in which I hit snooze until..
7:15am: I'm up and getting ready for my first kid of the day
7:30am: Kid #1 arrives, Bryn wakes up for the day
8:00am: Kid #2 arrives
8:15am: Bryn gets breakfast
8:30am: make some much needed coffee, unload dishwasher
8:35am: my stupid coffee pot leaks AGAIN (very normal lately, putting that on my wish list!)
8:40am: change Bryn's diaper
8:45am: Bryn wants to sit on the potty
8:50am: get a quick chance to make some toast for me and a few sips of coffee and my daily pills
8:55am: Bryn wants to get dressed and manages to have her first accident in her underwear she demands to wear.
9:00am: Kid #3 arrives
9:15am: Bray gets up (this is late for him) and wants big boy underwear on, finally get Bryn cleaned up and dressed as well
9:20am: Bray wants breakfast and Kid #1 is working on pooping her diaper!
9:30am: change kid #1's poopy diaper
9:40am: we are coloring
9:45am: try to sit on the potty again, no success, try to get a few more sips of my cold coffee
10:00am: Bryn decides she wants more yogurt
10:15am: clean up the kitchen finally from breakfast
10:20am: notice my kids are trying to create a jungle gym and they are taking apart the couches, great..
10:25am: Bryn has a poop/pee accident...yummy..
10:30am: Rozzum (I call him kid #4), he fits right in with all of them, wants outside to go pee
10:35am: snacktime for everyone
10:40am: Bray has an pee accident
10:50am: getting Kid #1's bottle prepped
10:55am: clean up quickly from snacktime
11:05am: feeding kid #1 their bottle
11:20am: Bray tells me his milk tastes yucky..great, sour milk? yep..
11:30am: change kid #2
11:35am: storytime!
11:50am: preheat the oven for lunch
11:55am: Bray has another pee accident
Noon: the kids get to watch their favorite show
12:10pm: kid #1 goes down for a nap
12:15pm: lunch is served
12:20pm: feed kid # 3 lunch
12:30pm: change kid #3's poopy diaper, Bray has yet another pee accident
12:50pm: feed kid #3 some milk before naptime
1:10pm: kid #3 down for a nap
1:15pm: peebody has another accident
1:20pm: Kid #2 goes down for a nap
1:30pm: 'rest time' for our 2 kids, I finally get some bites of lunch and clean up the kitchen from lunch
2:00pm: Kids sit on potty, Bryn has a wet accident
2:15pm: pick up toyroom
2:45pm: peebody has another accident
2:50pm: kid #2 is up from nap
3:00pm: kid #1 is up from nap
3:10pm: kid #3 is up from nap
3:15pm: Bryn has a poop/pee accident
3:25pm: change kid #1 and #3 diapers
3:30pm: change kid #2's diaper
3:35pm: prep bottles for the 2 younger ones
3:40pm: feed the 2 younger ones a bottle
3:45pm: Mom # 2 picks up, Bray is FINALLY successful at going on the potty
3:50pm: Bryn has a pee accident
4:00pm: Mom #3 picks up
4:30pm: Mom #1 picks up
4:45pm: B & B try the potty again
5:05pm: Bray's 2nd successful potty try!
6:00-7:00pm: making and eating dinner
7:30pm: give the kids baths
8-9:00pm: kids wind down, we are trying to catch up on making lunches for the next day, putting laundry away, cleaning up the house, etc..
9:00pm: teeth brushed, stories read and bedtime for our 2!
9:30pm: usually Chad is asleep
9:30pm-midnight (most days): my "me time", somedays its for real, some days not!

And so it is said on the soap opera: "Like sands through the hourglass, so our the days of our lives"!


Chris said...

Remind me to never stop by during the middle of the day.

Erin said...

I'm gonna go buy some stock in Clorox. It's a constant wet clean-up situation at your house. I can only imagine our house will be the same in the near future. Hang in there and thanks for sharing.