Friday, February 5, 2010

02.05.10 B & washing hands

Bryn is starting to pick up really good habits and signs of potty training. Yeah, go figure, she's probably going to be our first success at potty training, Bray shows no signs of readiness to that! She really likes to wash her hands a lot now and that's definetly a good thing, not gonna complain about that one!


Erin said...

I bet the moment Bryn really starts getting the potty training Bray will get it too. Nothing like a little competition with your younger sister for motivation. Good luck. Let me know if you have any tips that we can use.

The Twiss Family: Chad, Jamie, Braylon, Brynley & Rozzum said...

I hope so too! She shows some signs, but not making the connection quite yet! I would say the best tips I've learned are consistency, even when its SO easy to quit (especially in public!) and rewards are SO important to him! He LOVES balloons, so about once a week I will go buy him a balloon to keep him motivated and of course, you can't go wrong with a few M&M's everytime they go! Good luck when you get there!