Sunday, January 17, 2010

This thing they call blogging..

Well, as much as my time gets more and more limited these days, I have to say that I am so thankful that I fell in love with this blogging thing! I wasn't sure when I first started this back in '08 that it would become so valuable to me and our family. I am eventually going to have these blogs put into a book each year and as I was setting it up on one of the websites I will get them printed through, it hit me just how amazed I was that I took time out of my day to keep up with our blog. I really hope my kids will appreciate it someday when they can look back at their childhood and reminisce this amazing time, I know I will! Last year as I started '09, I wanted to do this scrapbooking project called "Project 365" by Becky Higgins (my scrapbooking idol!). The concept was to take a daily picture of your life. She came up with this amazing kit that allowed you to put your pics in and journal and decorate this cute binder. Well, I did order the whole kit with great ambitions to do it and as of a year later, it isn't even started and still sitting in a pile. It quickly became clear that blogging and going digital was much more convenient for me right now. This year, Becky Higgins has came out with another version of this called, "Project Life" and it is also available for FREE in a digital format, so I'm going to have to take the time to look into that and see what I want to do. But for now, I'm not going anywhere, I have thoughly enjoyed doing this and I LOVE keeping caught up with all my awesome blogger friends too!! I appreciate all the comments I've received throughout '09 and I am excited to continue to share our family's 2010 journey with you all again!


Erin said...

Woo-Hoo! I'm so glad you are continuing your posts. You did a spectacular job last year. Keep up the awesome posts and I'll try to do the same.