Sunday, January 17, 2010

lazy days 01.16.10

Today we had planned to finally put up the kids trampoline from Christmas. However, after getting home late last night and Bryn throwing up and not feeling good, we decided we needed to take it easy and forgo our plans for now until she got better! Most of the day was spent watching football, dad and kiddos napping and me just being lazy too! I feel like I get more and more lazier on the weekends! Yes, I do have a crazy week, yet seem to accomplish nothing and think that I'll catch up to it over the weekend, but that idea has yet to still happen. I am really enjoying the quieter weekends and feel guilty sometimes for taking advantage of them too much, there is always SO much to catch up on, oh well, there's always tomorrow right?


Erin said...

Cute shot. Tri-pod?